You can make a real difference by supporting Hatherleigh Festival through the SeaMoor Lotto!
SeaMoor Lotto was created in 2018 by South Hams District Council and West Devon Borough Council.
Set up to support community projects in the local area, the SeaMoor Lotto operates on the principle of raising money within the community for the community. We empower local good causes to raise money in a fun and effective way.
In a time of shrinking budgets and increased community need, SeaMoor Lotto enables people to support the causes they care most about, helping good causes to connect with their supporters.
Hatherleigh Festival runs annually and provides arts, crafts, sports, drama and music events, workshops and performances for our local community. We aim to promote quality events performed mainly by professional artists, but also provide a platform for local talent, which has quickly made this festival one of the most popular events in West Devon.
We aim to keep ticket prices low or free of charge, so that everyone here can share the new experiences that the Festival brings.
Hatherleigh Festival is not-for-profit and it relies on donations and support from local businesses, individuals and groups.
Please help us and local community projects AND be in for a chance of winning £25,000 by supporting us with the Seamoor Lotto